The beauty of Valencia (Spain)

In 2023. in December, friends from Italy and Spain have long invited them to visit us, so when the opportunity arose, we asked the specialists of “Koradius kelone” to make us a route to visit Italy, Spain and France, pick up plane tickets and book hotels. Our children study well, so there were no problems with teachers at school,-they were calmly released on a trip during their studies. The younger daughter is studying French and has long dreamed of seeing the Eiffel Tower, so we decided to surprise her and additionally visit Paris during the trip ( she learned about it shortly before the flight to Paris, at the airport in Spain)))). In general, during the trip there were a lot of emotions and impressions, both positive and negative – in Paris, scammers managed to deceive us and extort money. But about everything in a row…

At first we visited Bergamo (Italy), the story about this trip you can read here, the next city of our trip was Milan (Italy), the story and about this trip – here, well, then we went to sunny Spain. A story about a trip to Althea and Guadalest-you can read here.

Valencia (Spain)

In early December, the weather was sunny, daytime temperatures-about 20 0С.

On the outskirts of Valencia is the “Сity of Art and science” (La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias) – a cultural and entertainment complex in the modern architectural style, which is the visiting card of the new part of the city. It consists of la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias of several iconic structures:

  • L’skinneogrskinfic: Oceanographic Park;
  • El Museu de les Ciesvodncies Prsvodncipe Felipe: Museum of science;
  • L’hemisfviric: IMAVIRGIC cinema, Planetarium, laser performance theatre;
  • El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia: Opera House;
  • L’hemisf Sinnery: IMA SINNERY cinema, Planetarium;
  • L’uracle: gallery and Botanical Garden.

The cost of tickets to the science museum is 8.00€, to the planetarium – 8.80€.
We paid 126.10 euros for four people to visit the Oceanarium (Oceanogràfic). The cost of tickets differs from the time of the year and the day of the week, we were in the most favorable period – in winter, on a weekday (Tuesday), although, as it turned out, the next day was already a three-day holiday.
In general, before planning a trip to Spain, we recommend that you clarify in advance which holidays there are in a particular region. Spain has a very large number of holidays – in addition to national holidays, each region also celebrates its own local holidays, organizes fairs, fiestas, carnivals. These days, children do not study, adults do not work, the cost of cultural and entertainment facilities increases, the number of visitors increases significantly.
The aquarium contains more than 500 species of fish, marine animals and birds – there are large jellyfish, sharks, penguins, turtles, seals, stingrays, belugas and many other species. Feel free to take half a day on an excursion to the aquarium.

There are performances in the dolphinarium 2 times a day, in which at least ten dolphins participate at the same time, performing complex commands and tricks.
The show is great, we highly recommend it!

There are many citrus trees growing on the streets of Valencia, but do not rush to rejoice – oranges and tangerines have a sour-bitter taste, I do not think you will like them. But it’s beautiful!
Well, the beauty of the buildings and streets of Valencia is a separate story, see for yourself:

One of the busiest locations in Valencia is the Queen Square (Plaza de la Reina), where there are many cozy cafes and restaurants. It is always noisy and fun here, a lot of entertainment and tourists.

On the Queen’s Square (Plaza de la Reina) there is one of the most important attractions of Valencia – the Cathedral Catedral de Santa María de Valencia.From the bell tower of the cathedral, the Miguelete Tower, there is a magnificent view of the city. The cost of a ticket to climb the tower is 2 euros per person, admission is from 10.00 to 19.30, payment is in cash only. Keep in mind that to climb, you will need to overcome 207 steps along a narrow corridor with a width of no more than 0.8 meters.
But believe me, all your efforts will pay off many times – the views from the observation deck are amazing!

On the back side of the Cathedral of the Catedral de Santa María de Valencia is the Plaza de la Virgen (Plaza de la Virgen) – this is the heart of Valencia, it is believed that the city began its existence from here. Three main attractions of the city are located around the square of the Holy Virgin: the Cathedral Catedral de Santa María de Valencia, the Palace of Government (el Palacio de la Generalidad) and the Basilica of the Holy Virgin of the Outcasts (La Basílica de la Virgen de los Desamparados). A very beautiful atmospheric place!

After visiting Italian cathedrals and churches, it seemed that nothing would surprise us anymore, but we were wrong – the interiors of the Basilica of the Holy Virgin of the Outcasts (La Basílica de la Virgen de los Desamparados) are fascinating. Admission is free.

The Town Hall Square is the main administrative square of the city (La plaza del Ayuntamiento) – in December, Christmas fairs are held on it, a pine tree is decorated, carousels are installed, an ice rink is poured. And from March 1 to March 19, a grand pyrotechnic show is held annually on the square – at this time, the Fayas fire festival is celebrated in Valencia.

Bullring (La Plaza de Toros):

And at the end of the story, a little bit of modern Spanish architectural art:

When planning a trip to Spain, keep in mind that from 12-00 to 16-00 you will not be able to have lunch in any good institution – most cafes and restaurants are closed at this time. Only cafes with food and service of not the best quality are open, and if you do not want to spoil your impression of Spanish cuisine and atmosphere, it is better to wait for the evening opening of good restaurants.

We really liked Valencia for its elegance and sophistication – in this city you can feel the greatness and power of Spain during the era of the discoverers, famous navigators.
Friendly and sociable Spaniards will not be able to leave you indifferent, they are open and welcoming. I think we have a lot to learn from people who, in between holidays and fiestas, also manage to work well 😉
