Where you shouldn’t go on vacation in the summer

1. United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt – from June to August in this region there is unbearable heat up to +45 … + 55 ° C.

2. In central India in July and August it rains heavily, roads are washed out, and transport is very bad.

3.In Cuba at the end of August there is an increased risk of hurricanes.

4. In Spain, at the end of July – beginning of August, the beaches will be too crowded, since the Spaniards have a vacation season at this time.

5. In July and August in Thailand there is a high risk of showers in Phuket, Chang and Krabi.

6.June to August is the rainy season in the Philippines, and typhoons often occur.

7. In the Seychelles, from June to August the sea is rough due to strong winds.

8. In Turkey, in late spring and early summer (depending on the dates of Ramadan), there is a surge in domestic tourism after the Ramadan holiday.

9. In August in Italy there are a lot of people during the Ferragosto holiday.

The list of countries is not complete. Almost every country and every continent has its own climate and national traditions. Choose the time and place for your vacation carefully and in advance so as not to overshadow it with unpleasant surprises.
