How to assemble a first aid kit

Travel and vacation are often accompanied by changes in time zones, familiarity with local cuisine and unusual weather conditions. You need to prepare for possible health problems in advance. At a minimum, competently assemble a travel first aid kit with the necessary medications for any tourist – adult and child.

We have compiled a list of medications that will help prevent major problems and save your vacation. The products are divided into categories – this makes it easier to pack a first aid kit for the trip and not forget anything.

The material contains basic medications for children and adults, which are found in almost every home medicine cabinet. However, you should consult your doctor before taking it. Remember that any medicine has contraindications, each person’s body is unique, and self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences. Be sure to read the instructions and monitor the expiration date of the drugs.

A first aid kit does not take up much space in your suitcase, but it can save your entire trip.

For colds

To avoid colds, stock up on vitamins C and D. When you feel that you are starting to get sick, you can drink them for prevention. If the temperature rises, you can take Theraflu, Antigrippin, Coldrex or other similar powders in bags. They contain paracetamol, which will stop a cold in the early stages.

Take antipyretics – Paracetamol, Aspirin (aka acetylsalicylic acid), Ibuklin, Nurofen or Ibuprofen. Remember that it is recommended to lower the temperature if it exceeds 38.5 °C.


Headache, menstrual period, sore tooth – no one is protected from these ailments even during vacation. To avoid discomfort, take pain medications with you – Nurofen, Mig, Next, Ketorol, Pentalgin, No-shpu or Analgin.

For gastrointestinal problems

Unfamiliar food and drinks, poorly washed fruits and large amounts of alcohol often accompany us on vacation. In addition, intestinal infections often appear at sea. I can help against poisoning with Enterosgel, Polysorb, Imodium, Smecta, Alfasorb or Enterofuril. If you experience stomach cramps, “No-shpa”, “Meteospasmil”, “Duspatalin” or “Spazmonet” will do. If you feel that you have overeaten, you can take Creon or Mezim Forte.

Painkillers, antipyretics, antispasmodics, cold medicines, as well as plasters and bandages – perhaps the basis of a travel first aid kit.

For allergies

An allergic reaction can be caused by anything – from an unusual spice in an exotic dish to a local plant and even the sun. As first aid supplies, you can take Cetrin, Tavegil, Claritin with you on vacation. Be prepared that most allergy medications cause drowsiness.

For diseases of the ears, nose, throat, eyes

This is especially true if you are going on vacation to the sea or the ocean. For ear pain, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drops – Otipax, Otirelax, Otinum or Droplex. If your eyes are red and itchy, Tobrex, Vitabact, Albucid or Gentamicin drops can help. Sprays that help with a runny nose are Tizin, Xymelin, Polydex or Afrin. For a sore throat, it is convenient to take lozenges – for example, with an antiseptic and an anesthetic component. “Grammidin”, “Strepsils”, “Immudon” or “Hexoral” can cope.

From bruises, cuts, injuries

Place something in your travel first aid kit that can be used to treat the affected area. For example, an antiseptic solution like “Chlorhexidine”, “Miramistin” or ordinary hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to take cotton wool, a bandage or an adhesive plaster to protect the wound from infections.

For sunburn

Remedies for sunburn are especially important when traveling to the sea. Take creams, sprays and ointments that contain panthenol. “D-Panthenol”, “Bepantol” or “Dexpanthenol” should help.
